Finding Courage Beyond Darkness


Fear of the dark is a common issue amongst many teenagers which makes them dependent, leading to problems such as insufficient sleep and other mental issues.

Design Brief

To make a device which solves the problem of the user being less dependent and which gives them the assurance of not being alone and knowing what’s around them.


1. Therapy is :


Time consuming – 15-20 sessions are not very effective as they give 75% guarantee – The number of sessions are not sufficient to help solve this issue. A person who is a rigid thinker might be resistant to making the appropriate behavioral changes because she doesn’t agree with them.

Exercises and coping methods have to be taught.

2. Temporary Product Solutions

All of the existing products are temporary solutions to the problem but none of them solve for the root of the problem as people are not aware that this is a problem (fear of the dark). People take time to adjust to these products. These products make them dependent on it and not make them feel confident and it does not solve the actual cause.

3. Neglecting Behavior due to Lack of Awareness

Parents don’t take the problem (fear of dark) seriously until their child is old enough because they don’t think there is a problem. They feel that the fear will go away as their child grows older.

4. Users become dependent

The children approach their parents at night when they get scared of the dark. The parents have developed a habit among their children to let them approach at night which leads to the children being less confident/dependent.

5. Experiences and Imagination

Misleading information and videos change the perception of a person. Dark has always been associated with danger and emotions like scared, loneliness which leads to them imagining scenarios that makes them fear darkness.

After user feedback we decided to eliminate the screen and change the position of the buttons.
After user feedback we made the form slightly conical so that it is easier to hold and changed the placements of the buttons.

Thank you!

Internship Project